Monday, January 4, 2010

I want to bake some banana bread please

So I found a recipe on the interwubs for banana bread. I can make it in my rice cooker. I bought bananas, flour, and eggs. I hauled them all back home. I read through the recipe again. I forgot the ever loving baking powder and baking soda. Here are my choices: go back to the store in the freezing cold and snow and buy what I need or eat a pound of bananas. Sigh. I don't even know how to say baking powder or baking soda in Korean.

Here are some pictures of the banana bread experiments. You mouth can begin watering now.

My first attempt, in pre-cooked batter form.

The first one, finished. I burnt its bottom.

My chocobanana concoction. Again, with a slightly burnt bottom.

Finally, a perfect loaf. This was given as a present to my co-teacher.

The recipe can be found here:


  1. oooh any advice on how to get the top that nice brown color?

  2. I added some brown sugar in all of them which helped. The 2nd to last picture is actually chocolate, so that is how that one got brown. I didn't actually try the last one, but my kind co teacher told me it was both too sweet and bitter. The next day we went out to lunch and she ate some soup that tasted like bland paste and said it was too salty and later that day we went to dinner at one of the worst restaurants in Pohang (pineapple in spaghetti sauce) and she loved it. I don't trust her tastes.
