Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New, oh, it is January 3rd...

Oh my, it is already 3 days into the new year and no blog post. Let's fix that, no matter how inane the topic. Wow, January 3rd already. In only 20 days it will be Anna's birthday. Then she will be 29 too. Sorry Anna, I had to say it to make myself feel better.

Speaking of Anna, a long, long time ago she and I realized that New Year's Eve pretty much sucked balls. It was one of the worst days of the year because you got all geared up, and had all these great plans, and then the party ended up being boring and Ben had to steer you to the BART station, running into your brother along the way, or you were stuck in a cab when the clock struck midnight. People were overly excited for something that never really seemed to deliver. That is when we came up with Anna and Jenn's Non-New Year's eve. The recipe was simple, take two girls (later additional garnish of boyfriend/husbands/friends were added), some movies, some frozen appetizers, and absolutely no plans. Whatever happened, happened. Sometimes we stayed home with my youngest brother, sometimes we ended up watching Josie and the Pussycats in San Louis Obisbo (a highly underrated movie), sometimes we would go to a party. What we did didn't matter because we had no expectations for the night.

In honor of this past tradition I decided to try out Jenn's Korean Non-New Year. I had been worrying over the holiday for a month, being in a new country and all. What would I do? Where would I go? Would I be alone in my apartment at midnight? It was all very distressing. I ended up deciding on staying in Pohang. The bigger cities seemed too crowded and hassle like. A friend of mine was hosting a party at a bar close by. I could head there, and if I didn't have fun I could always come home, pop in Josie, and heat up some dumplings. Out into the below freezing conditions I went. As luck would have it, no Josie or dumplings were needed. I ended up having a great time, and got to ring in the new year with friends.

2009 was pretty awesome, I started a new adventure, made new friends, and got a job. I am excited for 2010, as it will bring with it Japan and Polly.

Now I very tired and must pass out. Happy New Year!

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