Friday, August 14, 2009

Me Teach English? That's Unpossible!

My first blog post. Less than a week before I leave. Eeek! As I prepare to move to South Korea I am feeling a mixture of excitement, fear, and a little bit of nausea. I call it excearsea. I am currently sitting in my incredibly empty yet messy apartment wondering if I will ever be done in time. I sold my couch and card table, got rid of the desk top, got to spend some time with my awesome family and friends, and now all that is left is for me to stop procrastinating by writing blog posts and finish packing. I think I need a helper monkey.

I can't wait to finish all the packing hoopla and get on that plane. I am ready to go out there and actually use my degree for once. For one year at least I will be doing something I love, which is more than a lot of people get to say.

Alright, I better stop for now. Emily is going to come by later and pick up some stuff to hold me (for which I am extremely thankful.)

Bye for now! I promise these posts will become more interesting once I am out of this apartment and am actually doing something worth writing about!

1 comment:

  1. I am such a jerk for never coming by to get the stuff! Alas, I have your bike here so I can look at it, in all its miniatureness, and think of you. Have a good flight!
