Sunday, December 20, 2009

Free stuff and fanfare!

Today I achieved my long held dream of getting fanfare and clapping at a supermarket checkout stand, but I will get to that in a moment.

This almost afternoon I woke up with the sun shining in my face. "Coooofffffffuuuuuuuuucccccccckkk, I have no coffee. It is cold and I don't want to go outside for more." After an hour of procrastination and whining to myself I decided the coffee trek had to be made, as I was also out of milk, the fridge had frozen the last of my soy milk, and I needed peanut butter and jelly sandwich fixings for tomorrow's class. On went the 30 thousand layers, hat and gloves. At the door I almost fell over trying to attach the boots to my feet (because I had no coffee in me. One needs coffee for boot attachment.) Out the door I went, and noticed that my neighbor's trash was still out in front of his apartment. Who does he think is going to take that out? It is smelling up the landing. I'd leave him a note but I suspect the meaning would be lost. Outside was cold, but the sun was shining, and that helped.

First stop was Starbucks. I have become a pro at ordering Starbucks in Korea. They love me there. They know my drink order and how I like my coffee ground now. Last week they gave me extra stamps on my stamp card so I could earn a free datebook and gift card. This week I went in, bought two packs of coffee and a drink. They handed me my bag of stuff and off I went to Top Mart for the pb&j ingredients. Three loaves of bread, the biggest jar of jam, two jars of off brand peanut butter, and various beverages later I was standing at the checkout stand.

Sometimes I wonder what the Top Mart checkers think of me, as I always seem to be buying strange stuff. Once it was 3 turkey legs, another time it was about 6 giant bags of candy. I hope they don't think it is an indication of how Americans eat. Boop, boop, boop, "sign-ug." I signed for my groceries when the music started and the checkers started cheering for me. Hooray! The American successfully bought groceries!! She can accomplish basic tasks! Oh wait, no, I have won a free case of Rameyan (ramen noodles.) Hey hey! That's pretty neat. I mean, I don't really like rameyan, but in a pinch they are good to have. Plus, everyone is making a fuss over me and I like that. Groceries and prize noodles in hand I leave the store to head home.

At home I unpack the purchases and go into the bag with the coffee to make a pot. Hmm, there is a box in here. I wonder what it, oooh! Free mug! Should I write Starbucks a thank you note?

So, thanks Korea, Sundays are best when I get free stuff. Thanks for obliging!


  1. oh korea. if it makes you feel better we bought two giant bags of candy, 10 boxes of pepero and four ice cream cones from our mom and pop store yesterday

  2. I think I like not being able to explain what it is all for. How fun for them to guess.
