Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tales from the desk

As I sit here at my desk, watching the last 20 minutes of the day slowly drain away, I fantasize about taking a nap... or just escaping. Not South Korea, but this job. I love teaching, but I do not love the desk warming, mind numbing, watching my co-teacher sleep, part of the day. Most of what I have posted here has been positive, so this will be a fun look into the annoying side of working in South Korea.

1. Being forced to sit through meetings even though you don't speak the language.
2. Being forced to sit at your desk and not being allowed to leave campus (I think this might be unique to my school. From what I understand, other people are allowed to leave the campus at will.)
3. Being told I am strange because I like peanut butter and jelly. Or because I don't like seaweed soup for breakfast.
4. Being forced to sit at my desk (which is also number 2, but I want to point out how much it sucks.)
5. Not being able to listen to music whilst sitting at my desk.
6. Not being allowed to help with things like grading of homework, because I should "take a rest." I might have to work for an hour tomorrow.
7. I really, really, hate sitting at my desk.

Ok, I am going to start packing up in an effort to convince my co-teacher we should leave early so we can both "take a rest," for our open class tomorrow.

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